Covid Protocol

Dear guests,

First of all, we hope you are well and healthy.

In please to provide you safe stay, we closely follow the situation related to the pandemic, as well as instructions, practices, and guidelines of public health services, the World Health Organization, the European Casino Association, and internationally relevant leading tourism industry institutions.

Considering all regulations and recommendations with the implementation of high catering standards for the provision of services, we have prepared a protocol that we will be applied in the new COVID-19 conditions. By following the protocol, we protect your health as well as the health of our employees.

We wish you a safe and comfortable stay.

Prevention measures against transmission of COVID-19, based on instructions by WHO are:

  1. Social distancing (or Physical distancing); includes refraining from hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with guests as well as among staff. It involves maintaining a distance of at least 2m and avoiding anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  2. Hand/Personal hygiene means in that instance regularly cleaning hands with an alcohol-based hand agent or thoroughly washing them with soap and water. Also, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Hand disinfection is necessary after exchanging objects (e.g. money, credit cards, documents, etc.) with guests.
  3. Respiratory etiquette means covering mouth and nose with bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. The used tissue should be disposed of immediately in a bin (with a lid).
    In public areas, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces will reduce the risk of infection.

Employee & Guest Health

The health and safety of our employees and guests is our number one priority. In order to protect both groups and offer a safe and memorable stay to our guests, the following key points will apply throughout the property until the end of the pandemic.

  1. Physical Distancing. Guests will be advised to practice physical distancing by standing at least 2m away from other groups of people not traveling with them while standing in lines, using elevators or moving around the property. Restaurant tables, slot machines, and other physical layouts will be arranged to ensure appropriate distancing.
  2. Hand Sanitizing. Hand sanitizer dispensers and paper tissues will be placed at key guest and employee entrances and contact areas. Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the back of the house for employees.
  3. Front of the House Signage. There will be health and hygiene reminders throughout the property including the proper way to wear, handle and dispose of PPE equipment, respiratory etiquette, and social distancing rules. Electronic signs will also be used for messaging and communication.
  4. Employee & Guest Health Concerns. We will be ready to provide support to our guests. Employees are instructed to stay home if they do not feel well and to contact their immediate supervisor on duty or department manager if they notice a co-worker or guest with a cough, shortness of breath, or other known symptoms of COVID-19.
  5. Case Notification. Our employees will be given clear instructions on how to respond swiftly and report all presumed cases of COVID-19 on property to the health authorities.Cleaning & Sanitation Products and Protocols
    Our resort uses cleaning products that are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria, and other airborne pathogens. We are working to ensure an uninterrupted supply of cleaning supplies and the necessary PPE.As a general guideline, we will use chlorine-based sanitation agents for hard surfaces and objects and alcohol-based for hands. Specific sanitation agents will be prescribed depending on the use and availability in the market.
  6. Public Spaces and Communal Areas. The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing will increase in all public spaces. All Front of House (FOH) restrooms to be sanitized at least once per hour.
  7. Guest Rooms. Please note that cleaning of your room as recommended will be done every three days. Room refreshments and towel changes will be done daily or on request.
  8. Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning. The frequency of air filter replacement and HVAC system cleaning has been increased and fresh air exchange will be maximized.

Room Recovery Protocol. In the event of a suspected case of COVID-19, the guest’s room will be removed from service and quarantined. The guest room will not be returned to service until the case has been confirmed or cleared. In the event of a positive case, the room will only be returned to service after undergoing an enhanced sanitization protocol.


Room service menus are available via an interactive TV screen in the rooms, as well as information on the working hours of our departments.


The operation will be adjusted to the government guidelines. As a general guideline, crowd control in the Spa & Wellness area will be imposed. Disinfectant gel will be available in the Reception and all areas where services provided.

The Beach must be set up in accordance with the State guideline.